Walk in my Shoes: An Anthology On Usher Syndrome

Print ISBN: 978-1718615489  $18.98

Ebook Kindle - B07D3Z6ZM8  $9.98

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A book like no other collection of writers affected by Usher syndrome

Imagine having a life-changing diagnosis of an incurable disease: Usher syndrome. Over time their vision and hearing fade into a dark and silent world. This does not define them. It does not stop them from achieving their goals as academics, athletics, arts, and family life. A dynamic collection of writers brought together offering a glimpse into their challenges, their triumphs and how they overcome them by adapting to their ever-changing world. 

Walk in My Shoes: An Anthology on Usher Syndrome is the first and only published book written by 28 writers who are touched by Usher syndrome. It is a web of biographies spun into a beautifully crafted book of hope. 

Contact Information:

Email Ramona Rice at rricetx@gmail.com

For More Information:

Twitter: @BKWalkinmyShoes
Facebook: www.facebook.com/Ushersyndrome123

Praise for Walk in My Shoes​

"Walk in My Shoes gives a unique and personal insight into the world of those living with Usher Syndrome." David Steele, Poet & Author

“This book is full of inspiring stories, written by some of the most resilient and creative people I have ever met – or hope to meet soon.” – Gislin Dagnelie, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Ophthalmology at Johns Hopkins University of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA



By Randy DeWitt  The Usher community is a country: the country of Usher. Just like any country, we have a diverse mix of people with varying degrees of vision and hearing loss.  Like many countries, we have a foe. It is called Usher syndrome. It is relent