We understand the importance of connection. You have told us you want to meet others who are the same age, or live near you, or have the same type of USH. Here are a few tools to help foster these connections:
Join our Discord Community and/or USH Blue Book Forum
Discord is a voice, video, and text chat app used by tens of millions of people to talk and hang out with their communities and friends. Within Discord, there is a private Usher Syndrome Coalition community server. This is a safe place for the global community to connect with each other. Join here: https://discord.gg/czwHGaDu7W
Join the USH Blue Book
The USH Blue Book Online Forum is a private email group created to allow individuals with Usher syndrome (18 and older) and/or their families to communicate with each other about topics related to Usher syndrome. The group's posts are saved for future reference, creating a growing body of information from YOU - The Experts!
A Gmail account works best when joining this forum.