Are you a student with Usher syndrome? Would you like to share your college experiences? Contact us here:
Since elementary school, your parents and support teachers have been your main advocates for all your needs. From kindergarten to senior year of high school, you have had an IEP stating your disability and the accommodations you needed. The responsibility fell onto your support teacher to speak to your classroom teachers about your accommodations. Upon entering college, everything changes because you are now the advocate. In college, you will work with your school’s accessibility services office on campus to determine the accommodations necessary for success. Before enrolling, it is vital that you contact your school’s accessibility services to determine the accommodations and to get the ball rolling. Freshman year of college can be overwhelming because you are adjusting to a new school, new city/town, making new friends, and trying your hand with a new set of rigorous courses. But you are not alone. Plenty of people with Usher have successfully attended college and have chosen to pass on their advice to you.