Megan’s Experience and Advice for Dealing with the Social Scene

August 14, 2019

by Megan Lengel

The social scene at college is not something you can always anticipate. It is entirely up to you how you want your social life to work. In your first few weeks, be sure to go to your university’s Club Carnival to learn about the organizations on campus. If your university doesn’t have a version of this, go on your school’s website to browse organizations. Check out all the clubs you think might be fun, and talk to the people there! Ask people you’ve met during Welcome Week to go with you. Chances are, they’re just as anxious to make friends as you are. Go to as many club meetings as you want, and attend events in your hall hosted by your RA’s! Often, these pre-organized events are the only way you can meet people outside of your class. Check out your university’s social media for any campus-wide events. All in all, making friends in freshman year can be HARD. Before attending my first year, I was terrified that I wasn’t going to make friends. It took me putting myself out there (which I had never done before) to make connections. None of the people I met during Welcome Week ended up being my friends, and the person I thought was going to be my “main” friend didn’t end up that way. I did, however, meet my best friend in that first month. I didn’t think we were going to be super close, but I sucked up the courage to ask him to attend an ASL club with me, and the rest is history! Be patient with yourself. Not everyone has a great freshman year, socially. It may take a while before you meet a group of people you love. Some people meet their friends studying abroad, during community service events, in clubs, in the classroom, and so on. There are so many ways to meet people you like. Don’t feel pressured to “settle” with any one group, either. The more people you can meet and get to know, the richer your social life. I met a lot of great people in college, but I can honestly say that I didn’t formulate any “core” group of friends until my last year. Just having one person you can talk to makes a world of difference. Also, don’t be afraid to transfer universities if you really feel that the culture on campus is not for you. It is very common for students to transfer in their first year. Do what is right for you!

When navigating your campus for the first time, don’t be afraid to ask for help. You may even meet new people doing so! Your Resident Assistants are there to help you get settled and adjust to the university experience, so ask them for any tips and tricks they may have. There are often routes you can take to avoid student congestion, times to leave your dorm to avoid lots of people walking to and from class, and even golf cart services they may know about to make traversing the campus easier. Campus can be incredibly overwhelming in the first semester of school. You’ll be shocked at how quickly it becomes second nature to get around. Take it slow. Don’t be pressured to know every nook and cranny. This is where you live. Make it your own.