Usher Type 3A

Layla's Story

My husband and I found out we were both carriers for Usher syndrome Type 3a when I was pregnant with our daughter, Layla. Shortly after Layla’s birth, she failed her newborn hearing screening and later was identified to have a mild hearing loss. She was bilaterally aided and officially diagnosed with USH 3a when she was 3 months old.

Getting this diagnosis was a shock to the system, but we quickly moved into action mode to get Layla the best supports possible. Our state has a wonderful early intervention program and Layla has received hearing and proactive vision services since the time of her diagnosis. She does not currently exhibit symptoms of retinitis pigmentosa (RP), but we are working to be prepared for when she does.

The support of our family, friends, and early interventionists has meant everything to our family. Layla is now almost two years old and is crushing every milestone!
