Usher Type 3A

Meet Mila

Mila - diagnosed at birth with mild hearing loss and, soon after, Usher syndrome type 3A - is a thriving middle schooler and outgoing kid. Beginning her treatment in New York, and now with our relocation to North Carolina and Duke Eye and Audiology, Mila has always advocated for herself and will soon begin her cochlear implant (CI) journey. We have always tried to educate teachers, peers, parents... whoever will listen...that while USHER does come with its own special learning curve, these kids can truly do anything. Mila has been a member of the Brooklyn Acting Lab since pre-K and just participated with her middle school in a production of Matilda. Mila dances, sings, loves music, has a passion for art, and is hopeful of attending art school someday. (We're coming for you SCAD!) She will soon start to study for her Bat Mitzvah, and we will tweak and shift her learning around hearing loss.

Mila has had wonderful providers and support from the Hearling Loss Association of America (HLAA), even participating in the American Girl Launch on Good Morning America - her claim to fame! Google it! We have been put in touch with people from around the world with Usher of all forms, which we hope will always continue. 

As Mila continues to get older, and symptoms increase with their shadows, we are confident we have been on a path to educating those around her that everyone is worthy, no matter many "deficits" they have been handed. Until then, see you at Summer Camp!
