Phone Calls Made Easy for DeafBlind Users

Have you ever been stuck on a bus or train with an unexpected delay or maybe you
missed your connection? For someone who is DeafBlind, having an accessible way to
alert others about plan changes is important, particularly if options like Video Relay
Service (VRS) are inaccessible or unavailable.

T-Mobile IP Relay makes it easy for a DeafBlind person to contact someone using a
phone, tablet, and/or computer, and any braille device. Don’t use a braille device? The
service doesn’t require one and includes many accessibility features that make calls
quick and easy. With IP Relay, DeafBlind users can make and receive calls and
communicate the way they want to whenever they need to. But what is IP Relay?
IP Relay is an accessible, text-based service that enables people who are DeafBlind,
deaf, or hard of hearing to make and receive phone calls using text instead of audio, at
no cost to the user! Only T-Mobile provides this FCC (Federal Communications
Commission)-authorized service in the U.S. The service is just one of T-Mobile’s many
accessible services and part of its commitment to accessibility.

Sign up for this no-cost service today. It’s easy! Go to or
download the app to register. You’ll have IP Relay wherever you go and whenever you
need it. 

T-Mobile Accessibility, DeafBlind Outreach Program