Call Congress TODAY: United Rare Disease Day of Action for #CuresNOW

November 15, 2016

Congress has spent the past two years on this nonpartisan issue, developing legislation that could be a game-changer for rare disease patients called the 21st Century Cures Act (Cures for short). We have reached a critical juncture for Cures as time is running out for Congress to pass the bill.

The Usher Syndrome Coalition is one of 189 organizations urging our representatives to support and move this legislation forward by the end of 2016.

Take a moment to call your elected officials to advance #CuresNOW (A script for your call will be provided at this link.)

This vital piece of legislation includes billions of dollars in new funding for critical research at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), new funding to accelerate drug approval at the Food and Drug Administration, and several provisions like the OPEN ACT and Priority Review Voucher Program that could lead to hundreds of new therapies for rare disease patients. We must unite and make sure that Congress gets our message loud and clear. This is our last chance to make Cures a reality.

Call today and share this action alert on social media!

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