USH Talks: Therapies to Preserve Vision in Usher Syndrome

March 13, 2018

Monte Westerfield, PhD

In this USH Talk, Dr. Monte Westerfield presents research on animal models of Usher syndrome. This research shows that a specific type of cellular stress is responsible for degeneration of photoreceptors and inner ear cells. These discoveries provide strategies for preclinical testing of therapies to prolong vision in persons with Usher syndrome.  

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Speaker Bio:

Dr. Monte Westerfield is a professor in the Institute of Neuroscience, Department of Biology at the University of Oregon in Eugene, OR. Our laboratory studies Usher syndrome using animal genetic models. I received the AB degree from Princeton University, PhD from Duke University, and postdoctoral training at the Max-Planck-Institute in Munich, Germany and at Harvard Medical School.

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